More Than One Instance of Sumo is Attempting to Start on this Page

Why you are seeing this issue

If you are seeing the "More Than One Instance of Sumo is Attempting to Start on this Page" warning message on your page, that means there are more than one Sumo script installed on that page. You will usually see this because you have a manual install of Sumo along with a plugin/app install or multiple manual installs.

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How to resolve this warning message

In order to get rid of this warning message, you will need to make sure you only have one Sumo install. You will need to remove any duplicate installations.

  • Manual Install: If you installed Sumo manually on your website, you will want to check and make sure that you only pasted the script in one time and that it is not installed anywhere else in your website code. If you are not seeing a manual install in your actual website code, check to make sure Sumo is not being injected from somewhere else such as Google Tag Manager.
  • Wordpress Install: If you have Sumo installed on your Wordpress via the Sumo Wordpress plugin and are getting this warning message, you likely have a manual install as well. You will want to check your global header file as well as any plugins that allow you to place scripts and make sure Sumo is not being installed manually in any of those places.
  • Shopify Install: If you have Sumo installed via the Shopify app and are getting this warning message, you will want to check your "theme.liquid" file and make sure there is no manual install of Sumo there.

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Still Having Trouble?

If you are still having trouble finding your duplicate install and resolving this warning message, just contact us here and we'd be happy to help!

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