Setting up a Sumo Autoresponse Email

1 What's an Autoresponse Email?

2 How to set up an Autoresponse Email

3 Editing Your Autoresponse Email

4 Use an Existing Autoresponse on a New Popup

5 Setting up a Custom From Address (advanced)

6 About DNS Record Changes (advanced)

7 Editing DNS Records with Common Domain Providers (advanced)

8 Setting up a Custom From address globally for all forms

What's an Autoresponse Email?

Autoresponse Emails allow you to send automated emails to your visitors after subscribing to your sumo opt-ins.

This is a great feature for anyone who wants to:

  • Send a "Welcome email" to new subscribers
  • Deliver a discount code to new subscribers
  • Send a hosted file (content upgrade) to new subscribers

How to set up an Autoresponse Email

1 Click Forms in the navigation menu of your Sumo installation.


2 Open a form you would like to attach an Autoresponder email to.


3 Click on the Success tab on the left, then click Add New Email to set up a new Autoresponse Email.

ar_4.png If you want to use a custom From Address, check out our guide below.

Subject Line: The subject title of the email and the name you'll use in Sumo to identify this Email.

From Name: The name your email will be sent from.

From Address: The email address the email will be sent from.

Body Text: The message that will be sent in the email. HTML is not allowed.

4 Click the Preview button to see what your email will look like. If you're happy with your email, click Save Email!


5 Once you've set your Autoresponse Email up, you can look in the Success tab to see the number of Emails Sent, Open Rate and number of Clicks on any clickable elements in your email:


6 You can also preview the email, edit it, and send a test email from here. If you want to use this email in another popup, you can go to your other popups' Success tab and click Load Email to select it.

Editing Your Autoresponse Email

Use an Existing Autoresponse on a New Popup

Setting up a Custom From Address (advanced)

To set your Autoresponse Email's "From" address to a custom address you'll need to have the ability to add a CNAME record in your email host's settings.

If you're not sure how to do that, check with your email host for instructions.

Once you know how to set a CNAME record in your email host's settings, here's how to set your custom "From" address in Sumo:

1 Go to your Autoresponse Email Click Use Custom Address


2Enter the "From" address you want to use.


3 Enter the three CNAME entries into your email host (see below for tips) Click Validate to make sure everything is set properly If everything validates properly, click Save Address.


That's it! Your Autoresponse Email should be sent from the custom address you've set now.

About DNS Record Changes (advanced)

To authenticate your domain, navigate to your domain provider’s site. Then, use the DKIM information from above to update your DNS records.

Domain providers use different names for the page where you’ll update the DNS record, such as: cPanel, Zone Editor, Zone File Settings, Manage Domains, Domain Manager, DNS Manager or something similar.

Example CNAME Record for DKIM

Here’s an approximate example of what your CNAME record will need to look like to set up DKIM authentication. Remember, when you edit your own records, these columns and their labels may look different.

Record Type Host Data TTL
CNAME Default
CNAME Default
CNAME Default


DKIM requires underscores in the CNAME file. However, in the past, DNS didn’t allow for underscores and some registrars still do not allow them to appear in the CNAME file. If you receive this type of error when you set up DKIM, the issue is on the registrar's side. We recommend either of these three options: contact your registrar for assistance, set up a secondary custom domain with a registrar that allows underscores, or switch DNS providers.

Depending on your provider, you may need to add a period at the end of your CNAME record. Some providers add this period automatically, so you may want to refer to their help site for more information.

Editing DNS Records with Common Domain Providers (advanced)

1 Here are some instructions for editing DNS records with popular domain providers. If your service isn’t listed here, log in to your provider’s site and search their help documents, or contact their customer support team.

Amazon Web Services: Configuring DNS, Resource Record Types

A Small Orange: DNS

Bluehost: Creating a CNAME

Dreamhost: DKIM

GoDaddy: Add a CNAME Record

Google Domains: DNS Basics

Hostgator: Manage DNS records

Hover: Edit DNS Record

Namecheap: SPF & DKIM

Network Solutions: Edit DNS Record

Squarespace: Advanced DNS Settings

Stablehost: How do I get to cpanel?

2 After records are entered into your DNS correctly, your domain should authenticate within a few moments. In some cases, it may take a bit longer. To complete the process, don’t forget to click the Validate button.

3 When authentication is successful, you’ll see three green checkmarks on the Custom From Address page.

4 If you've entered all records correctly and your authentication isn’t working right away, there typically isn’t a cause for concern. You may need to wait a bit longer (up to 24 hours) since it can sometimes take time for servers to recognize your changes.

Note: If you still experience problems, reach out to your domain provider’s help site for tips on troubleshooting DNS records in their service.

Setting up a Custom From address globally for all forms

This will allow you to set up the Custom From name globally on all your forms.

Here's how you can set it up:

    • Go to your setttings
    • Click on the Email tab
    • Click Add one
    • Follow the same process as described above
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